Main usage

This machine injects insulating varnish into coils for various kinds of electrical equipment.

Object items
Motors and motor parts, transformer

The mechanism of Sealing treatment machine

By utilizing reduced pressure, this machine injects resin such as varnish to subjected materials.

Features of Sealing treatment machine

  • The time is able to be reduced, compared to other methods.
  • It is possible to process subjects evenly.
  • We can design and manufacture the machine to fit the customer’s operation cycle.
  • It is also possible to have pressure-resistance, explosion-proof, or explosion proof with even safer structure.

Frequently asked questions

How big is the size of the machine?

We are able to propose the best layout option, based on the treatment capacity, and the space to install. Please feel free to ask us.

Can you propose the detailed running cost?

Yes. If we can have information such as treatment capacity, and treatment time, our sales staff will submit you the detailed running cost.

Regarding the maintenance frequency.

We will perform periodic maintenance based on the customer’s request.

We can provide test in advance depending on customer's requests.

We conduct tests to propose our customers the product that suits their expectation best.
Expense for testing varies depending on its contents and terms. We are flexible, so please consult with us.

See more about Research laboratory